Wednesday 18 November 2015

clip analysis #2

I will be analysing gender on a clip from 'The Cops'. During the course of the clip there were more males shown while at the police station while at the start a female shown appears to be a main character of the show.
At the start of the scene you can see the camera focused on the female character heading to the police station while the camera is placed very close to keep the character in focus while the characters in the background are not shown but the non-diegetic sound adds to the rushed situation as it appears she is late for work. The camera is then used to follow her while keeping it as a very close mid shot throughout the scene which gives a sense of claustrophobia. The characters of the force later appear to have some sort of bond and familiarity as towards the end of the end of this segment they all converse.
The woman shown at the start appears very feminine with long her and a show of skin at the start while she practically strips when she reaches the changing rooms. At the start of the scene there is a close up of her removing her make up which directly links to femininity and from this scene alone you wouldn't assume she was a police officer due to her appearance at the beginning. She appears to be around her mid-to late 20s and wears a blue coat with while not wearing a top underneath. You could assume she likes to party as she appears like she came from a club and this could suggest how she behaves differently at work. Her appearance at work includes that she tied her hair up and is in uniform which looks drastically different than her in the beginning.
The scene moves without any cuts, to a new sergeant as it is mentioned that the late sergeant past away or got killed. It is hard to assume who the main character is but for the assumed protagonist at the start appears to be in more focus than the others while at the changing room there is a mid shot of all the police officers while the camera is made to stay on them. There is a predominant use of shaky cam in this clip which makes it more genuine.
 There are no cuts shown as the camera is made to stay. During the changing room scene the audience can see that the camera isn't made to stay still but appears as a handheld as when the characters are speaking, the camera is made to zoom in rather than a cut to a close up which shows how realistic the scene is as the scene carries out without a cut or transition to the next scene while the camera follows them to the next scene.

The female shown at the start is a lot less talkative compared to the other female officers as she appears to be taking on most of the conversation during the scene while she appears to have a good relationship to all the other police officers. The diegetic sound along with the close camera shots demonstrate how small and confined also it gives more attention to the characters rather than the setting.

The mise en scene mostly takes place in the police station. While not much is shown, the characters are more focused on which tells the audience that this is about the characters more than the setting.
The police station itself shows a male dominated area while the two female officers shown have different portrayals.

The female in focus appears to be feminine and perhaps a party girl as she has long, blonde hair and wears make up also the beginning scene shows that she could be a rookie as she is more quieter to the other male officers compared to the other female shown who interacts with most of the males. The 'protagonist' is shown interacting more with the other female character that does not appear at the changing room which suggests that she feels more comfortable with women.

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